Sunday, September 8, 2019

RPGaDay 2019 Day #29 Suspense

Today’s theme is “Suspense.”

RPGs are full of suspense. Every time a die is rolled, no one knows what the result is going to be. Success? Failure? Disaster? And for whom? It might be only a few seconds while the dice are being rolled and counted, but if it’s a matter of life and death, the suspense can turn those few seconds into an eternity.

And then there are the times when you do wait an eternity. The tension has reached an apex and the Game Master says, “See you next week!” Though that just means that the GM has just given you a week to prepare for whatever he has just revealed. If you’re smart, you use that week to strategize as best you can. I know I’ve shared at least one story of how having the time to think led to a clever solution.

At least once during the Sir Meriwether incident, the players got together without the GM present to discuss strategies for dealing with our presumed-paladin/pain-in-the-keester. It was long enough ago that I don’t recall what our strategy was or whether or not it worked, but we were sufficiently worked up about the Sir Meriwether situation that it was worth taking a session of our own to work out a plan of action.

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