Saturday, January 24, 2015

First Post of the Year

Just in case you were worried, I am still alive and still posting here.

DunDraCon is just around the corner and I will definitely be there. And so will Adventures in Oz: Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road. Not only will I be running AiO on the convention schedule, but I have also arranged for the game to be available in the Dealer's Room. I am very excited.

Getting things organized for the con has been more work than I expected this year. The hotel sold out in a matter of days. It happened before anyone expected, even the convention organizers. While they were trying to get an overflow hotel setup, they put up a room sharing page on their site. This is how I managed to get lodging at the convention hotel this year.

Transportation was the next major step. We've been going with my friend Mike for several years now, but he declared last year to be the last year he would do it. His car was capable of handling 3 people and their convention gear, but when we added his new girlfriend to the mix, there was not enough room. So it's back to Greyhound buses

But I did take advantage of Google Transit to figure out the local bus system in San Ramon and turn a $20 cab ride into a $4 bus fare. Modern technology is wonderful, isn't it?

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