Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Q4 2011 Quarterly Report

You thought I had forgotten about this stuff, didn't you? Well, I didn't.

 Adventures in Oz: Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road
Sales Channel/Product TypeOctoberNovemberDecemberQuarter TotalYTDLast YearGrand Total
One Book Shelf/PDF3223285421104
One Book Shelf/Print----2-2
One Book Shelf/Bundle-4-49
One Book Shelf/Total3263326521115
Your Games Now/PDF------1

 Adventures in Oz Characters Pack
Sales Channel/Product TypeOctoberNovemberDecemberQuarter SalesYTD Sales

The big thing to notice on this chart is that huge jump in sales over at OneBookShelf during November. This was due to their first Teach Your Kids to Game Week that was held that month. That jump in sales was nearly equivalent to the initial sales rush I experienced over at OBS in September '10. (I'm sure you can imagine how upset I was that AiO was not picked for inclusion in 2012.)

CreateSpace also started generating numbers this quarter. All those Christmas shoppers on Amazon, I'm sure (I saw a similar bump this year, too). Now I just need to work on a way to get onto more people's Christmas lists.

This also gives us our annual totals for this year. 99 total sales for the year, mostly from OBS. 36 copies of the Characters Pack were sold, but only 23 people paid for it specifically. Some of the bundle purchases may have been motivated by the Characters Pack, but I don't quite know how to tease that information out of my raw data.


The Mayfly said...

I am very impressed that you are providing all of this information, Mr. Wall. The data is quite fascinating.

The Mayfly said...

FYI: The button link to Lulu on your blog is broken.

F. Douglas Wall said...

@Mayfly: Thanks for the positive feedback. I fixed the link, too.

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