Friday, August 24, 2018

RPGaDay 2018 #24 Which RPG Do You Think Deserves More Recognition?

My own, frankly.

While Adventures is Oz: Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road is very well reviewed (4+/5 stars on RPGNow and Amazon, Bestseller on RPGNow) by gamers and Oz fans alike, it hasn't quite managed to get on a lot of people's radar.

Another good game that doesn't get enough attention would be Feed by Kris Newton of the Gameable Podcast. It's a love letter to 90's era Vampire the Masquerade, while voiding the trap of being a clone of that game. It gives you a lot of freedom to determine what type of vampire you are and what your powers and weaknesses are. But it's not really about powers. It's about degenerartion. It tracks your loss of humanity not in a numerical stat, but by rewriting your character sheet, replacing human drives and values with vampiric ones.

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