Friday, August 3, 2018

RPGaDay 2018 # 1 What do you love about RPGs?

The posting schedule has been slow to non-existent, I know. And I've gotten a late start this year. But let's see if I can do this.

What do I love about RPGs?

I was not allowed to get away with much when I was a kid. But if I was, I imagine I would be the sort of kid who took apart old clocks to see how all the gears fit together. What I did do was read a lot of science fiction. Especially the stories that were focused on working through the logic of scientific extrapolation or even just the logic of their own premise.

I love RPGs because they present a logical world. The good ones do, anyway. And it's not always the same logic. Action movie logic. Fantasy magical realism. Comic book logic. Gritty realism. It's always a treat seeing what new sorts of narrative and character frameworks people come up with. Watching as stories I loved but never thought were gameable suddenly become so.

It's also comforting that, when the world seems complicated and out of control, there is a world waiting for me at the gaming table where I have agency and control over my destiny.

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