Hello 2025!
I'm a little disappointed, since I did not achieve my New Year's Resolutions for 2024.
My main resolution was to run a campaign. Specifically, 2 sessions with continuity between them. That's not to say that I didn't do any gaming. I ran a number of one-shots and Fiasco's, which are GM-less. I just didn't get anything with continuity. I also played in a campaign of Blades in the Dark, which was a lot of fun. The campaign is technically on hiatus, as the GM is a busy student and hasn't had time to do the proper prep. I look forward to getting back to that once he's free.
Secondarily, I took on #dungeon24, an attempt at creating my own megadungeon. I decided to use random tools to generate a room for every day of the year 2024, with each month comprising a level.
It didn't always go smoothly. I actually lost the material I had originally created for March. And then the RPGaDay blogfest in August took up the writing time and energy I had for that month. I almost took another hiatus for my annual Apothecaria sessions for November, but I was sufficiently far behind on my megadungeon that I didn't want to risk getting even further behind.
As it stands, I still have most of my December level to complete. Well, the encounters for the level, anyway. I still need to draw the map and devise the random encounter tables for each level. One of the things I've been doing to keep encounters manageable has been to redirect some of the monsters to wandering.
It's my intention to finish it, even if it does take me a little over a year to do it.
Running it would also be nice. It might wind up being my campaign if I can make at least two sessions of it happen.
I do also want to explore other games when I can. I've had a Stars Without Number sector waiting to be campaigned in for some time. Or maybe some classic Traveller. I'm really getting a sci-fi itch that needs to get scratched.
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