Saturday, August 24, 2019

RPGaDay 2019 Day #16 Plenty

Today’s theme is “Plenty.”

What are the things that I have plenty of? I’ve got plenty of RPGs. More than I could play in my lifetime. Even so, I will still buy more. There are always new ideas coming out.

A few years ago, I took a “shelfie” of my collection. It took 3 photos to properly encompass the 2 full bookshelves of RPGs. My collection has only grown since then. And my digital collection continues to expand thanks to the Bundle of Holding. The 64 Gig flash drive that I was using to store everything has filled up, so I recently upgraded to a 128 gig. We’ll see how long it takes for that to fill up.

The things that are coming up sparse lately are time and energy. I’m working full time, which I haven’t done for a long time. I’m also stuck commuting by bus. In a city the size of San Diego, that means that getting to and from work takes about an hour and a half each way. I’m trying to focus what I have on getting my driver’s license. Having a car would reduce my commute to 30 minutes or so, giving me plenty of time for other things in my life. Hopefully including a game or two.

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