Saturday, August 10, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 #10 RPG You'd Like To See On TV

 Let me start by saying that I am only slightly interested in Actual Play. I'm interested in learning different games, so something that doesn't engage with or explore the rules of the game they're playing is not interesting to me. I have enjoyed the Critical Role animated series, but have negligible interest in watching the Actual Play.

So what I would want to see on TV would be a scripted program telling a story set in the world of a tabletop RPG.

I think the setting that I would most like to see in this format would be Traveller. While there was a Kickstarter that promised a show or at least a movie, it was run by the infamous Ken Whitman and therefore unlikely to see the light of day. Throwing some Netflix or Apple+ money at the property might help make it up to everyone who got burned in that fiasco.

One idea that I've had that could be fun would be a show that featured a group of gamers navigating life both at and away from the gaming table, with each episode exploring some bit of each. Would could represent the game by putting the actors in makeup and costumes instead of their street clothes, or do the game elements in either 3d or 2d animation.

For example, one episode could revolve around the theme of sacrifice. The party is on a quest to recover a great treasure and there is a monster that they cannot defeat guarding it. So Steve the Paladin throws the party's most valuable treasure so that the monster will chase it, allowing them to proceed on their quest for an even greater reward. Then Steve the Bartender realizes that playing roadie for his girlfriend's band is holding him back from the career he really wants and makes the painful decision to break up with her.

There is a series of movies about The Gamers that does some of this, but it could be played for drama (as I illustrated in my example) as well as comedy. And the possibility of switching campaigns or rotating the GM for each season could be fun, too.

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