Sunday, August 18, 2024

RPGaDay2024 #18 Memorable Moment of Play

 One of the downsides of having this blog for as long as I have is that all of my notable gaming stories have wound up here sooner or later. Though I did bring back the story of Konrad the Barbarian and his stupid broken hammer earlier his month, so maybe I'll give myself a pass for another recycled story.

Or I could tell you about a recent session of the Blades in the Dark game that I'm in. We're a gang of Assassins, so our mission this time is to take down a corrupt cop (at least for now, we're trying to focus on "heroic" missions). My character is a Tinker named Fester (inspired by Uncle Fester from the Addams Family, of course). By exposing himself constantly to various reagentts, he has the ability to secrete poisons and such through his skin, breath and (with special GM permission) his butt.

We had setup wagon crashes on either end of a bridge in the city to isolate him from any backup. In order to disable him so that one of the other members could administer the final blow, my job was to swing down from the bridge's cables with help from another member (who was a sentient orangutan) and blast him in the face with a toxic fart.

The GM had typically run Blades in the Dark for one shots and was very open to being silly. But this has turned into a campaign and as things progress, it's getting a little more serious. But Fester and his toxic farts have come in handy in jobs since.

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