Thursday, August 15, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 #15 Great Character Gear

 My favorite piece of gear that's come up in a game that I've played or run would have to be the Sunsword, or should I say, Konrad the Barbarian's stupid broken hammer.

I'm sure I've told this story before, but it's a fun one.

I was in a Third Edition D&D game shortly after those books first came out and the DM was running us through the original Ravenloft module. It's the first scenario to feature Count Strahd von Zarovich, who would become one of D&D's iconic villains.

When all of the players first rolled up their characters, the DM also granted each of us a minor magic item. For my character, a barbarian named Konrad, it was a +1 undead bane warhammer. It served him well for his first few adventures, as he could smash skeletons and zombies very handily.

Then we got sucked into the mists and found ourselves outside Castle Ravenloft. There's a fortune teller there and one of the bits of the fortune telling scene is determining the location of the Sunsword, a weapon capable of killing Count Strahd. And the DM determined that the Sunsword was with the party and in fact in Konrad's possession. But he didn't have any swords, just his hammer. So the fortune teller showed him how to pull this and twist that and make the Sunsword appear.

But that hammer had been in Konrad's family for generations and here it was a magical sword instead. So Konrad the Barbarian reacted in the only way he could: "You broke it! Now it doesn't hammer anymore! Stupid broken hammer!"

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