Saturday, August 31, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 #30 Person You'd Like to Game With

Lots of people, really.

It's been far too long since I've gamed with Kris, but I do get him in my earholes thanks to the MegaDumbCast. To be honest, he's really the only person out of that particular era of my gaming life that I would say I miss.

Meanwhile, I think I would gladly get everyone from my OSRIC megadungeon campaign back together. The only downside would be that I don't have my notes anymore and I know Erik would really want to pick it up where we left off.

Looking to the future and contemplating the realms of possibility are things I really struggle with right now, so forgive me if I don't have a "dream team" of people from popular culture and history that I would want to invite to my table.

That said, I look forward to gaming with the group I have now and all of the wonderful people I have gamed with, and will game with in the future.

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