Tuesday, August 13, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 #13 Evocative Environments

Fantasy environments are fun. I do love my dungeons. But for me, the dream is about a place where all of those environments come to life. It's been a long time since I've had a space to game in my home. There are some nice places around town to game at, but like Dorothy says, there's no place like home.

One thing I know I want is a gaming table. I don't know if I would ever be rich enough to afford one of the fancy ones, but maybe an add-on to an existing table (if someone wants to make a joke about my table having a sub-table, I would laugh at that). An elevated platform to hold the battle map while the players have room to manage their sheets and dice on the regular table's surface.

I don't know that I'd go for something with a display set into the table to add a digital element. Not just because of the potential expense of such a large screen, but I do think that there comes a point where you're not necessarily adding to the game and just mainly showing off.

I also wouldn't want a situation where I'm running so many things digitally that the human element gets forgotten. I've seen videos of people playing an RPG around a table with their laptops and devices out because that's where their character sheet is and that's where the virtual tabletop is and it looks just like anywhere else where people are just hanging out with their devices. If I'm going to put the effort to get people into the same physical space for a game, I'm going to want people connecting in that space.

But that's just me.

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