Monday, August 12, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 # 12 RPG With Well Supported Campaigns

 You probably saw this coming a mile off, but I'm going to go with the OSR.

I'm not really interested in published campaigns with lots of scripted twists and turns. As evidenced by my Second Law of Gaming, I'm far more interested in something that can be player driven. If I had more experience with something PBTA, which also leans into a player-driven structure, I might go with that.

But it's not just a game putting the players in the driver's seat. It's also about how much support you give to the GM to respond to those players. And with the wealth of dungeons and random tables and populated hexcrawls out there for the OSR, I think that's a clear winner.

I kept a party going with a single megadungeon for 5 years. If I had had the confidence and wealth of tools when I was running that campaign, it could have gone in several directions and who knows? Maybe that megadungeon that was the centerpiece of the campaign would have become a side show.

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