Friday, August 9, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 #9 An Accessory You'd Like To See

 In terms of physical props for play, my primary focus seems to be on convenience and portability. Give me something that is compact and that can be easily carried into any gaming scenario and I'll be very happy.

While the Noteboard is a great solution for anything from sketch maps to note-taking to battlemaps, conveniently portable minis has been a challenge. I'm not overly choosy about exactly what my minis looks like on a battlemap, but the ability to tell Steve's character from Sheila's character is always good. I was a fan of prepainted miniatures back when those were being made (Are they still?) and will pick up figurines out of vending machines when possible. But all of these items take up bulk and weight.

I have thought about paper minis, which should make transporting a lot of minis easy, but I'm less a fan of printing them myself. I remember, as a newbie gamer, seeing a booklet of Cardboard Heroes for any occassion on the shelf at my local game store. I thought about it a lot, but never got around to buying it. Looking online recently, I can buy that as a PDF and print any one of the pages that I want. If only I could get past the terrible need for printer ink and making sure I have good quality paper. If I could see that again in a shop, I would buy it in a heartbeat (when finances allowed).

Considering my love of random generation, I would love to see random scenario generators for a variety of other settings/genres/core activities. They might be out there already.

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