Monday, August 19, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 #19 Sensational Session

 So instead of coming up with a singular moment of interesting or amusing play, today we're looking for times when the whole session was great.

This would have to be the session of The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen that we did during Kris' megadungeon campaign.

The campaign had developed a plot by that point and we were anticipating a major confrontation. But rather than jump right into that (for all I know, he still had some prep to do), he decided to run a side session where we were all citizens of the town near the megadungeon waiting for the heroes to step in and save them from the threat. So we passed the time telling stories of the heroes' previous adventures from the perspective of the townsfolk.

Since The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen is a game of competitive storytelling, it got pretty wild and hilarious. The person who ended the game with the most points was my friend Alex, who is also good at winning in Fiasco, though in the Baron's game, ending the game with the most points doesn't make you the winner.

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