Thursday, August 29, 2024

RPGaDay 2024 #29 Awsome App

 As I said yesterday, I do have a couple of recommendations to make.

My main recommendation for apps would be for campaign information management. I'm using it as a repository for all of my prospective RPG campaigns. It's available on a variety of platforms, so I can access it from my main Windows machine, my Android phone and tablet, and even my Raspberry Pi based "lunchbox laptop." Because of that wide variety of platforms, I keep my Obsidian vaults stored on a flash drive which I plug into whatever device I decide to work with.

At its most basic level, it's like having a personal campaign wiki. It uses the same markup language for formatting and linking. But the thing that makes it really exciting is the plugin support. There are plugins for nearly every need. You could easily do a Google search for "Best Obsidian plugins for .." whatever your interest is and come up with some good options.

There was a fantasy calendar plugin as well as a conventional calendar plugin depending on whether you want to track fantasy dates or real dates. I also found a convenient plugin that allowed you to add "pins" an image that could link to articles. Great for overland maps to let you click on a pin for a city and open up your article on that city, maybe even with its own clickable map.

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