Wednesday, August 23, 2023

RPGaDay 2023 #23 COOLEST looking RPG product / book

 If I had been doing more planning of these entries, I might have held back the Dresden Files specifically for this one.

Castle Falkenstein is certainly a book full of beautiful illustrations. White Wolf and the various World/Chronicles of Darkness games devote significant space to highlighting their settings with introductory sections presented as in-world media. But only the Dresden Files RPG commits so fully to the bit.

The entire book is presented as an in-world artifact. The text is presented as a way for the novel characters to spread knowledge of the supernatural world in a sort of plausibly deniable way, so every word is potentially written from an in-universe perspective. The characters comment on Post-It notes or scribble in the margins. Some pages appear to have coffee stains and other indignities. Illustrations are seemingly included with paperclips.

It can appear busy and messy, but that's the point.


Adam Dickstein said...

I can't believe I forgot Castle Falkenstein. That book is damn pretty.

F. Douglas Wall said...

Yeah it is.

If the prompt had been "prettiest" or "best art," it would have been Falkenstein.

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